Devynne is my favorite child because......
She is my first born and my only daughter and will always have a special place in my heart for those reasons. She's had alot of the same goals for years (and I'm talking since she was 5) and has great determination to accomplish those things. She speaks up for herself and questions authority when she disagrees and does so appropriately. She is very loyal to family and treasures family memories. I so admire her for all of these things and more. She sends me text messages when she's with her friends or at school just to say "hi" and "I love you".
Dylan is my favorite child because......
He is my middle child and my first born son and he too will always hold a special place in my heart for those reasons. He has the best sense of humor and always has a witty comment or comeback. I laugh constantly when he's around. He's very mellow and laid back which makes it so easy to have conversations with him even when he's in trouble. He's very talented and has a very creative mind. He has the awesome ability to soak up information like a sponge and retain it. (a gift that I seem to lack) I love the way he says "mom". It still reminds me of when he was little.
Dakota is my favorite child because......
He's my baby, although I'm sure he wouldn't like that label so let's just say he's my last child and again he will always have a special place in my heart for that. He's very animated and extremely chatty. He makes friends where ever he goes and tries not to hurt people's feelings. He is always sharing his random, honest, innocent and sometimes crazy thoughts with me and he is always surprising me with his questions. (we never lack for conversation and I love that about him). He hugs me everyday and isn't embarrassed to do so.
All 3 are very smart, funny, caring, responsible and loving. They all want to make good choices and feel good when they do. They make mistakes and seem to learn from them. (for the most part) They are very willing to go to church, EFY and seminary and to learn gospel truths. For this I'm very grateful. They all 3 have bright futures ahead of them and can accomplish anything they choose to do. I'm so excited to see what those things may be. They have very different and distinct personalities and they are my "favorite child". :)