Friday, July 17, 2009

Simple Conversation....I Don't Think So

Dakota was eating lunch while I was doing dishes and washing strawberries and blueberries having a nice time chit chatting away. Then...

Dakota: Why do we have two eyes instead of one?
Me: Maybe for depth perception. (sounds good to me)
Dakota: Well if I cover one of my eyes, I still have depth perception so that can't be it.
Me: I guess because Heavenly Father created us in His image and He has two eyes.
Dakota: Who created Heavenly Father?
Me: Uh......
Dakota: I mean think about it. Who created Heavenly Father and the universe He lives in? Who was the first Heavenly Father and who created the first universe? And do we have a Heavenly Grandfather?
Me: Uh.....(shaking my head with bewildered eyes) It is alot to wrap your head around isn't it? (me trying to buy some time)
Dakota: I don't get it.
Me: You know, I just think about THIS world and OUR Heavenly Father and Mother.
Dakota: How do you make spirit children?
Me: Uh......(really? where is Steve when I need him)

1 comment:

Brad and Leslie said...

Gotta love the way that boys mind works.