Monday, August 9, 2010

August 1st

A week ago on Sunday, August 1st, Steve was ordained a High Priest by his Dad and was set apart as the 1st Counselor of the Bishopric in our ward. We are very grateful for this oppurtunity that Steve has to serve our ward in this way and for the blessings that will be given to him and our family because of this service. He will be very busy and the kids and I will be very supportive of him. Steve is a great man and I'm very grateful that he is my husband and a father to my children. I love him very much. :)

1 comment:

Mindy Janis said...

Glad for your blog so I can know what is going on. The calling is a tribute to you Steve! You are a wonderful man, may the Lord continue to bless you and your family with all that you truly need.