Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Lots of Prom Pics

Prom was Saturday night and yes Devynne had a great time. They went to dinner, the dance and ended with the Mystere show on the strip. Prom is definitely an exciting thing for a 17 year old. :)


Sara said...

Her dress is super hot!!! She looks amazing. I just can't get over how much I want that dress. I hated prom, but I might be willing to do it all over again if I had that dress. They all look so good. and I love her dates red hair. I have a thing for guys with red hair!

Emily said...

What a great group of kids! Some of them were in our trek family and company and I was so impressed by them. Devynne looks gorgeous and yes that is a great dress. What a great example that modest is beautiful - actually it makes it more beautiful because her spirit is shining too! I'm sure they had a great time. :)

Anonymous said...

They all look so great. I love Devynns hair. She is turning into such a beautiful woman. I can't wait when I get to see her in a wedding gown.

Britta and Julia said...

Devynn is so beautiful and grown up. It looks like she had a good prom experience. Josh Sly was in our trek family. He is a great person, we were really impressed with him. And a couple of the others were in our company. Very good kids.