I'm not sure what is going on with me. First, I told Steve that we should start saying family prayer at night. We say it in the morning with the kids but we haven't said family prayer at night in I don't know how long. Anyhoo, we decided that yes we should start saying it at night so last night was our start. I could not stop laughing. We're gathering together and my kids are teasing and messing with each other, Steve is "scolding" Devynne for bringing her cell phone, Dakota is getting aggrivated because we're taking too long and he is missing his show(hmmm, too much TV for that kid) and I said "Maybe this is why we stopped saying family prayer at night". For some reason I was thrown into, not just the giggles, but HYSTERICAL laughing. I could NOT stop. And I was the one who was supposed to say it. We would finally get quiet, then the quiet would start me up again. Steve finally said "Can you just laugh silently and I'll say it?" So I "silently" giggled through the whole thing. When we were done I had tears running down my face and my entire abdomen ached from my "hysterical giggling". Then this morning I'm driving to the gym to work out and I'm listening to Christmas music and "Little Drummer Boy" came on and I started to cry. I never cry during Christmas songs. But for some reason it just touched me. Oh well, now you know that I some times have whacky emotions and I sometimes laugh during the most inappropriate times. :D
Anyhoo, we had a great weekend. Surprise party for my closest and dearest friend Friday night, Ward Christmas Breakfast Saturday morning (it was great), lunch with Dylan just the two of us (I absolutely enjoyed having alone time with him), dinner Saturday night with Steve's parents (we always enjoy time with them) and a great day at church on Sunday and a family movie (The Grinch Who Stole Christmas). Again, life is good. :)